All Lawns of the West are Pet Friendly | Serving Denver Boulder Fort Collins Co. Springs Pueblo Phoenix Tucson San Antonio and Austin

What Does Dog Friendly Mean?

EVERY professionally installed Lawn of the West is Dog Friendly. What that means is that Lawns of the West does not offer a separate product for pet use.  Nutmeg Thatch, Olive Thatch, Landscape, Multi-Purpose and even Professional Putting Green all feature superior drainage and durability allowing pet owners to chose from the entire product line rather than being forced to settle for a ‘Pet Model’ that competitors must offer.

To view samples of all your choices, click here to get a free quote
Humane Societies and animal shelters across the country have installed this latest generation turf and proven its capability to handle their large canine populations.

Dream Lawns have revolutionary fiber and superior drainage while competitors offer more durable fiber in their 'Pet Models' separate from their best looking fiber. Due to their inferior drainage, competitor ‘Pet Models’ only delay the onset of urine build up.


Serving the Colorado Front Range - Fort Collins to Pueblo

Professionally Installed No Maintenance Dog Friendly Dream Lawns, Putting Greens, Dog Parks & Playgrounds

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Best Materials - Best Practices - Best Warranty - Guaranteed

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